Sunday, October 24, 2010

More Doctor appointments

I have another Doctor appointment tomorrow with the OBGYN. I hope to find out what is going on with my insides and what can be done about it. I am tired if the female issues and how wore out I end up being. I want to feel like a human again one that loves to go outside and go shopping one that loves to go walking again.
I did not decorate for Halloween this year. I know it is not supposed to be a Christian holiday but I still love it. It is fun to decorate with spiders and pumpkins and all that fun stuff. Oh and getting the candy sales after Halloween is really fun. I like to watch the scary movies on tv and I have a blast seeing how all the kids are dressed up.
I am reading a new book called Perfection written by Julie Metz. I will review it in a different blog but I am having mixed feelings over it. For the most part it iswell written and I want to keep reading to see what happens next.  I am not thrilled with how much sex is in the book. I understand how that is basically part of the theme but at times it is like non stop sex. The cheating in the book also was not a happy theme. I got angry at the husband and almost did not read futher. I do love to read and it has peaked my interest and I am going to finish it.
I am really ready for Christmas. I plan on making most of my gifts. Not sure what all I will make but hey it will be a home spun Christmas. We might be going to hubbies parents for Christmas this year if he is not working a second job yet and if we can afford the gas. I am still going to decorate the house here. I have a new tree to put up with lots of pretty colored lights. I also have the big lights to put up outside in different colors. I am excited to decorate this year. If we go to the in laws I will miss our Christmas pagent at church but the church in Bakesfield is always nice. Oh and the weather in Cali. is warmer then ours.

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