This is a blog of what I find interesting for what ever reason. I hate to admit it but I am easily amused so there will be a wide range of topics. I am a Baptist and I try to follow in my Lords footsteps, I am human though and I do make mistakes.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
West Coast Baptist College
There was a special Church service tonight. We had West Coast Baptist College perform for us. It was a wonderful service and I so enjoyed it. I wish I had brought my camera so I could of taken pictures to share. They are from Lancaster, California and such an amazing group of young people. They sang. preached and did a skit that was to funny! We adults and the kids were all laughing and giggling. Picture 3 young men doing an imitation of a rain drop. From the excitement of free falling down to the terror of hitting the ground. Ker splat!
Monday, June 22, 2009
I was on myspace looking of old friends and I found out that 2 friends of mine from where I used to go to Church are now divorced. I read on her page a bit and it seems like so much has changed since I moved away. She sounds like she is hurting and has been abandoned by the family down there. I am not sure what all happened but I know how lonely it can be after a divorce and to have your family turn their backs on you well it has me in tears. Tammy I hope to hear from you and I love you!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
EA Sports Active for Wii
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wanna ride in my new sleigh? AB asked if she could!
Yippie I have a new bed! Hubby was given a King Sleigh Bed from a lovely solider that was deploying. He was asking $500 for it a few months ago but then when he got his orders he gave it away. Hubbies manager was going to take it but when she found out it was not in perfect shape and has a few dings she passed it on to us. It is huge! I will post pictures of it later on and show you all how pretty it is. I was thinking it is tall enough now that Mali and Fraidy can not get on top of it. Ha they proved me wrong when I took a nap today. Bounce and here comes Fraidy. BOUNCEEEEE here comes Mali. It's OK being as I can push them off still and have the whole bed to my lonesome!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So far I have 4 items that have most likely sold on Craigslist. I spend a lot of time today re doing pictures and putting all the pictures of stuff for sale in one folder. I will be adding more stuff in tomorrow after I download the pictures.
I watched a movie today from Netflix on the computer. It worked out great being as I was able to clear off the desk and file papers, toss junk and put stuff where it belonged while watching a movie.
I was able to get the stuff in the garage all in one small area to sell. It felt good to be able to give Jason his garage back and have the stuff to sell off the floor. Tomorrow I will be working on my room some more. I have a lot of little stuff I want to sell but not enough stuff for a garage sale. Who knows maybe I will decide to run the garage sale on Friday and Saturday and see what I can get rid of.
I made meatloaf for dinner tonight and it really was good. I added in some left over white rice and two packages of Mrs. Grass onion soup mix. There was just one little problem! I did not put a cookie sheet under the pan and I ended up with grease all over the oven. Hot oven and grease equals lots of smoke! I mean it looked like a bar it was so smokey. Oh baby that meatloaf sure was good though!
I have issues with dropping stuff lately or spilling whatever I am drinking. The other day I dumped a soda into my purse. Check books do not like soda! Then I dropped my McDonald's iced coffee off of the table all over Jason's chair and onto the floor. Today I knocked over a can of soda onto the table in the garage that is holding all the stuff I am selling and onto the floor as well. I have no idea why I am having such issues but if it gets much worse I will talk to my Dr. about it.
I kind of had fun in chat today. I was trying to talk but was busy taking care of business here. I will try and talk in a bit and see who is in. I love talking to twin about the stuff we have in common. I wish I would get to meet her some day. I am still sad about friendships that go by the wayside for one reason or another. I know one day I will get to meet my best friend Shawn even if we end up being 60!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Happy Sunny Monday

So much is going on here as usual. Summer is always a crazy time for me here. I am back to selling stuff on Craigslist and I am getting faster at it!. I am working on the garage today putting all the stuff I need to sell on the table and storing what I want to keep. We had friends that moved and gave us a bunch of stuff that I keep forgetting to list. That is my goal today to get the garage back to a garage as far as my stuff goes. Hubby can do what he wants with his stuff!
Megan's class went to the trout farm today and they all got to catch a fish. Megan was more interested in walking up the hill to see the peacocks. She was then wanting lunch and then a nap. The fish were just not a big deal to her. I did take a lot of pics that I will post later.
I have been reading Corrie Ten Boom books. What an amazing family she had and what an amazing woman she was! If you have not read any of her book I beg you to read them. She will teach all of you a lesson on forgiveness and loving. I still am amazed that people can hate so much that they want to kill an entire race or religion. The Hiding Place was a wonderful movie as well. Did you know that with a prayer and through God's grace did Corries name have a clerical error and have her being released? Then the week following her release all the women her age and older were put to death! What an amazing God we all have!
I just wanted to post real quick for now and head back to the garage! Have a blessed day and remember to forgive those that have wronged you. If it is not in you to forgive them remember Christ is in you and through him he can forgive all!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Happy Thursday!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Lovely Day

OK what is new? First off yes I deleted blog that had got out of hand. I had not ment it to be such a huge deal yet it was. There was cussing on it as well as childish comments and veiled threats. So I am over it and the issues. I stated what I wanted and sadly was not able to keep it due to the antics of a few. Nuff said!
Megans Nerology appointment yesterday went OK. We are having to up her Banzal slowly once again. I know the Banzal helps her but right now that means she will be taking 6 Banzal 3 times a day until we can get the 400 mg pills. Please keep her in your prayers that the pharmacy is able to get the higher mg before long.
The boy who knows if he is going to pass 8th grade or not? I tried my hardest. What it comes down to is it is his choice if he passes or fails. Depending on if he passes or fails it will have an affect on when he is allowed to get his driver's permit. It also depneds on if he ends up in juvie or not. Oh and I still find it amusing that he must know how much his Dad works during the day and on weekends. I am the one home and with free time. Does he honestly believe I will allow him to drive me around with his behaviors towards me? Does he honestly believe that he is mature enough to drive? It is funny how life turns out. He told me the other day that he would get his permit the day he turned 15 1/2 being as that was stale law. I replied that well it depends on your grades and if you pass 8th grade or not and if you do pass if you have passing grades of Cs and above. As of today he still has an A in history an F in English, F in Science, F in math. I have no idea what will happen.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Hi to me!
OK being as some keep asking where I get my freebies I thought I might post a few that I have done today.
Aveeno is giving out a free sample of their Aveeno Nourish+ Hair Care Collection.There are several different samples, you pick which one they send you.- Link to Offer
Dear aged visitors, We are giving away free trivets to make you have a cup of tea easier... RELEIF is proud to announce that the give away is sponsored by our partners and we would like to thank them. Visitors from all countries are welcome.
Free Sample HUGE Brand® Toy Cover Made from high grade raw latex materials and sealed in a premium grade waterbased lubricant they are a time saving and economical addition to your toy collection
Burt's Bees BURT Day Party--Giveaways Starts May 27Burt's Bees is celebrating 25 Years. To commemorate this event they are hosting a "BURT Day Party"This is from their Facebook Profile:This event is planned to start at 12:00 am on May 27, 2009 at location:
$10 offer from ....https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon....rid=2180237869
Fekkai color care sample packettes from Sephora
Aveeno is giving out a free sample of their Aveeno Nourish+ Hair Care Collection.There are several different samples, you pick which one they send you.- Link to Offer
Dear aged visitors, We are giving away free trivets to make you have a cup of tea easier... RELEIF is proud to announce that the give away is sponsored by our partners and we would like to thank them. Visitors from all countries are welcome.
Free Sample HUGE Brand® Toy Cover Made from high grade raw latex materials and sealed in a premium grade waterbased lubricant they are a time saving and economical addition to your toy collection
Burt's Bees BURT Day Party--Giveaways Starts May 27Burt's Bees is celebrating 25 Years. To commemorate this event they are hosting a "BURT Day Party"This is from their Facebook Profile:This event is planned to start at 12:00 am on May 27, 2009 at location:
$10 offer from ....https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon....rid=2180237869
Fekkai color care sample packettes from Sephora
Waiting on the Burt's Bees site to open up their contest page. I want to win a free Lip Balm. It pops up between 6 AM and 9 AM my time. Not sure of I want to keep waiting for it or not. I just got Megan on the but so decided to see if it was open yet. I just pop on the site and see that is is not yet open. They go fast like in 5 minutes when the freebie is open for the day.
Your coupon for a free Burt's Bees lip balm will be on the way shortly. Remember, only one per household will be mailed. Be sure to look for it in your mailbox in 1-4 weeks.
I finally got in on it! Oh yea happy be me!
I am still waiting on my free Aveno bag and free shampoo and conditioner to arrive in my mailbox.
Someone explain to me the reason behind Twitter? I honestly do not understand that site at all.
Not a lot to say right now just working on my freebies.
Someone tell me why do cats have that horrible sounding me raowwwwwwwwww sound when they think they are starving even if they just ate?
Your coupon for a free Burt's Bees lip balm will be on the way shortly. Remember, only one per household will be mailed. Be sure to look for it in your mailbox in 1-4 weeks.
I finally got in on it! Oh yea happy be me!
I am still waiting on my free Aveno bag and free shampoo and conditioner to arrive in my mailbox.
Someone explain to me the reason behind Twitter? I honestly do not understand that site at all.
Not a lot to say right now just working on my freebies.
Someone tell me why do cats have that horrible sounding me raowwwwwwwwww sound when they think they are starving even if they just ate?
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