I know why we have global warming! I have found the 100% reason behind this all on my own! I am sure you will agree with me if you are a female. Global warming is caused from hot flashes!!!!!! Right now I am so warm it is insane. I am Glistening all over my body and under parts as well. :)
I bought the best thing ever today in town and it is good for me and was cheap. I bought a *drum roll please*.......... a bag of crushed ice from Sonic!!!!! Taa Daa! It was just $1.69 and is so darn good. Crunch, crunch, crunch.
I got in on a new one2one network offer. It is for the Yanni CD with a chance at concert ticket or tickets and I am hoping for a blog giveaway. If you review the CD in time you are also entered into a drawing for a gift card, cash forget what all exactly.
I am in a better mood today. I love feeling happy and having the sunshine today was a blessing. I bought me 2 dresses at Goodwill today for 99 cents each. One still had the tags on it even. I got Megan a few more dresses again lol. Megan has more clothes then anyone I know. My favorite of hers is still the red Calvin Klein dress.
Spring break is next week and I will be taking her to get pictures done. I am taking her to Sears being as I get a free 8X10. I might have to go a few times to get her pictures done. If the stores are offering the $5.95 package I will be happy!
OK yes I am begging here people. I need more readers! Please have your friends read my blog. I want to show one2one that I do have readers and that I am a good choice to do a giveaway to!
LOL @ hot flashes causing global warming. It wouldn't surprise me in the least.